Can Intermittent Fasting Aid in Cancer Prevention?


Could the secret to longevity be not a question of what you put in your mouth but when? Fasting has been a part of medicine for thousands of years, but we still don’t know exactly what benefits can be achieved through an extended program. In the past, medical practitioners have used fasting to treat a host of diseases and give the body’s immune system a respite to concentrate on the illness.  To that end, researchers have looked into how calorie restriction can increase longevity as the body learns to become more efficient. They have seen these same mechanisms in intermittent fasting. The most famous study to highlight the relationship between longevity and intermittent fasting was this study in 1946, linking intermittent fasting with a prolonged lifespan in rats.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?


In truth, there are a number of different variations of intermittent fasting methods. Some of the most popular include 16-hour daily fasts, one day a week fasts, five-two fasts, and juice fasts. For those looking to start out, 16-hour fasts may be the most accessible.  Remember, if you have ever overslept on the weekend and gone out for a late brunch, you have probably already done this by accident. It might be a good idea to start off slowly first, so your body doesn’t experience adverse effects that could put you off from fasting. Some common side effects could include lethargy, dizziness, and concentration difficulty. However, these should subside after a few weeks once your body gets acclimated.


How Can Intermittent Fasting Prevent Cancer?


Did you know that the Hope4Cancer® Institute includes juicing in its full nutrition spectrum for cancer treatment? We talked about longevity, but intermittent fasting may have a role in cancer treatment as well. For example, researchers are looking at whether or not fasting can promote immune system regeneration and protection. In a USC study, chemotherapy patients who fasted saw their white blood cell counts go down, which triggered the regeneration of new immune system cells. In addition to that, those who fast have reduced PKA enzymes. PKA enzymes can increase cancer risk.


Furthermore, fasting has been shown to lower IGF-1 levels as well, which have been linked with colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers. There are a number of theories about how fasting can help prevent and treat cancer. It might go back to why ancient medical practitioners used fasting as treatment in the first place: to give the body a rest. Researchers believe that fasting causes the body to rely on fat stores and accumulated toxins for energy; thereby allowing the body to heal.

Are You Living Your Healthiest Lifestyle?

eating salad

Now is the time of year when many of us will consider changes we can make in the New Year that will have life-changing results. Let’s face it: each and every one of us has had a resolution that we hoped would increase energy, improve sleep, and reduce stress. Some of us will shoot for large goals like quitting smoking or losing fifty pounds. It should be noted that if you do smoke or are significantly overweight, you should certainly take steps to reverse these. However, your healthiest lifecycle often involves smaller, more innocuous alterations.

Six Small Changes You Can Make to Live More Healthy


  • Eat more legumes. In one study, it was shown that “for every 20-gram increase in daily legume intake, there is a 7 to 8% reduction in mortality hazard ratio.” The Hope4Cancer® Institute in Mexico has included full spectrum nutrition as part of its Seven Cancer Treatment Principles as nutrition plays a major role in staving off disease and improving recovery.
  • If you have a sweets craving, eat fruit instead of candy. Fruit has a number of different vitamins and minerals that can improve health and will have a lower impact on blood sugar than if you opt for the cookie or brownie. It also has much needed fiber, which many people don’t get enough of with their diet. A small piece of dark chocolate is also a good option.
  • Learn how to cook. Did you know that a single meal eaten at a restaurant could have as much salt as your recommended daily intake? Plus, just think about the money you would save not eating take out all of the time. Financial adversity is a significant source of stress for individuals.
  • Drink a glass of alkaline water before your meal, so you don’t eat as much. Eating food with high water content like soup can also help here.
  • Stay off the hoverboard. You will avoid lighting your home on fire, and you will be less sedentary overall. Walk instead when you need to go a short distance. The less sedentary life you live, the less likely you’ll die from any cause.
  • Meditate for twenty minutes every day to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and strengthen mental health. If this sounds difficult, you can start with a few minutes every day to start a routine. There are a number of apps and YouTube videos available as well to assist you as you embark on a meditation practice.

When considering your healthiest lifestyle, your best strategy may be to think small. Try these tips to feel better, lower stress, improve sleep, and reduce your mortality rate.

Ways You Can Raise Awareness about Cancer

raise awareness

The chances are you or someone you know has been affected by cancer in some capacity. Each year, about 1.7 million people will be diagnosed with cancer. It’s estimated that 600,000 cancer patients will die from the disease. It can have an enormous effect on families and friends as well who must provide support in this difficult time.

Let’s take the holiday season that we’re currently celebrating right now. If you are suffering from cancer, you might not be of the best health to really stick with the same routine and event schedule then you have in the past. If you are a family member or friend, you might have to halt plans to make sure your loved one is taken care of. Cancer has a social, health, and economic impact. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) estimates that the total healthcare costs for cancer is $88.7 billion.

Given the ramifications of a cancer diagnosis, you might be wondering how you can help others understand the importance of early screening, cancer research, cancer treatments, and other issues related to cancer care. This can be a loaded issue. As a disclaimer, you should be aware of the fact that some organizations don’t directly impact cancer research. For example, pink ribbon support does not always lead to support in real research … it just keeps helping pharmaceutical companies pursue their financial agendas. If you really want to impact cancer research and raise cancer awareness, you really need to look at the organization before you commit time or money.

How Can You Raise Awareness to Help People Become Aware of Symptoms, Screenings, and Treatments?


  • Organize or participate in a walk or some other philanthropic event supporting a cancer cause.
  • Wear your support through a ribbon, hat or other garment.
  • Use social media as a way to reach more people. Link back to articles, videos, and other media.
  • Seek sponsorship from local businesses for a billboard or ad. Reaching out to the media may be another way to get exposure.
  • Start a challenge to get your friends and family to share with others they know to raise awareness and support a cause. The Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS was a viral challenge campaign that worked tremendously.

As a cancer research and care organization, the Hope4Cancer® Institute supports awareness to ensure individuals and their friends and families understand the symptoms and treatments available for various cancers. By creating awareness, you can help save a life. Please look at these and other methods to help the general public understand why and how cancer has affected our society.

Dealing with the Emotional Effects of a Cancer Diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis is one of the scariest scenarios an individual may deal with. This year, there will be an estimated 1,658,370 cancer diagnoses. While each cancer diagnosis will be different in type, stage, and treatment options, one thing that is commonplace with all diagnoses is that the patient will usually experience a number of different emotions when confronted with the disease. The emotional effects of a cancer diagnosis can be just as bad as some of the physical effects, and often aggravate them. Therefore, it’s important for patients and their friends and families to recognize these emotions to find the best course for navigating past them.

Types of Emotions Someone May Experience

  • Overwhelmed
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Fear
  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Guilt
  • Loneliness

What Can You Do to Strengthen Your Resolve to Fight and Continue Your Life as Normally as Possible?

  • Learn as much as you can about the disease to see available treatments, lifestyle changes you can make, doctors who have treated the cancer successfully, etc. The more information you know, the better you’ll be able to respond to setbacks and other events as you go through treatment.
  • Consult with friends and family. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’re not alone in your fight against cancer. Chances are you know someone who has faced cancer or is currently facing cancer right now. In the United States, there are an estimated 14.5 million people who have had a cancer diagnosis.
  • Live in the present. Try meditation and spiritual texts to help you do this. Concentrate on the moment rather than the future or past. The Hope4Cancer® Institute recently expanded its facilities to include a garden oasis it calls the “Garden of Hope.” It did this to provide patients and their families with a peaceful setting to focus on healing.
  • Keep busy. Distract yourself from thinking about your illness.
  • Go to a support group or psychologist that specializes in coping with disease. The American Cancer Society has a good resource repository that can help you find programs, support groups, and doctors in your area.

A cancer diagnosis can be one of the scariest moments an individual will ever face. Often, he or she will face a range of emotions. This is normal, but it’s important to not let a cancer diagnosis completely dominate your life. If you or someone you know has cancer, these tips can help you stay strong as you fight a disease that has affected so many.

A Short Guide to Baja California, Mexico

baja california

As the second largest peninsula in the world at over 1200 kilometers, Baja California, Mexico features stunning variances in geography and climate. Baja California has deserts (Vizcaino Desert), volcanoes (La Reforma Caldera), sandy beaches (Rosarito Beach), and mountain ranges (Sierra de San Pedro Mártir). The climate of Baja California varies too with Mediterranean climates towards the shores, alpine climates in the mountain ranges, and arid climates in the south. Towards the San Diego/Baja California area where the Hope4Cancer® Institute is located, you may experience weather similar to that of Southern California with a Mexican twist.  The California current makes the weather seasonable all year round. The population of Baja California, Mexico is estimated to be just over 3 million with most people living in Mexicali and Tijuana.


What Are Some of the Best Places to Check Out in Baja California, Mexico?


  • Cabo San Lucas: a resort city with a number of stunning beaches, water-based activities, and vibrant nightlife. It’s located on the southern tip of Baja California Sur. Some places to check out include Playa del Amor and Desert Park Natural Reserve.
  • Tijuana: Tijuana is the largest city in Baja California with well over a million people. It is a huge driver of the Mexican economy, so it has all of the restaurants, shops, theaters, and transportation options that you would find in any major city in the world.
  • La Paz: Not to be confused with the Bolivian capital, La Paz, Baja California Sur has a number of fantastic beaches. It is also surrounded by desert. La Paz is within driving distance of many untouched, beautiful vegetation, making it a highly sought after destination for the adventurous and eco-travelers.
  • San Jose del Cabo: This very laid back city has the Sea of Cortez’s only coral reef and a bird sanctuary with over 200 bird species to view. The beaches in the area are overshadowed by San Jose’s 18th century Spanish architecture that is featured throughout the city.

Other Destinations to Check Out



Why the Hope4Cancer Institute Calls Baja California Home


There are so many reasons why the Hope4Cancer® Institute calls Baja California, Mexico home. Its number one concern is providing patients with a worry-free stay to enhance their ability to heal. The Hope4Cancer® Institute is located in a peaceful, beautiful community with safe beaches and a perfect view of the Pacific Ocean. It’s a ten minute drive from the San Diego/Mexico border, making it very easy to get to from anywhere in North America. Additionally, patients and their families will be spared no amenity when they visit the Hope4Cancer Institute in Baja California, Mexico. Visit to learn more about the cancer clinic and the surrounding area.



A Beginner’s Guide to Medical Tourism

medical-tourismWhat Is Medical Tourism?

As the United States heads closer to primary season, one of the most talked about issues will certainly be healthcare. One candidate wants to create a universal single payer system that is similar to Medicare. Others want to abolish the Affordable Healthcare Act altogether. One thing that all candidates can agree on is that Americans spends too much on healthcare. Medical debt is one of the biggest causes of bankruptcy in this country. Therefore, more Americans are going to different countries to have medical procedures performed. Last year, this number totaled nearly a million.

Globally, eight million people travel each year for a medical procedure. The leading drivers of this migration, which is otherwise known as medical tourism, are healthcare costs and treatment availability. Some treatment programs that have been developed in other countries are not available – either because of regulations in place or because there aren’t any doctors or facilities in place to perform the procedure. Depending on the country the procedure is performed in and where the medical tourist lives, a patient may be able to save as much as 75% on their medical costs.

Where Are International Health Travelers Going?

More than thirty countries cater to the medical tourist. Here is a list of the most traveled countries for medical tourists:

  • Costa Rica,
  • India,
  • Israel,
  • Malaysia,
  • Mexico,
  • Singapore,
  • South Korea,
  • Taiwan,
  • Thailand, and
  • Turkey

What Procedures Are Being Performed?

Depending on the country and the medical facility being used, there are a wide variety of healthcare options available that medical tourists can take advantage of. Many of these procedures are prohibitively expensive and may not be covered by insurance, depending on the patient’s home country. Here are some of the most commonly performed procedures medical tourists seek:

  • Alternative cancer treatments,
  • Cosmetic and reconstructive treatments,
  • Dentistry,
  • Spine surgery,
  • Fertility and reproductive procedures,
  • Cardiology, and
  • Weight loss surgery

Advantages of Choosing the Hope4Cancer® Institute

In its news section, Dr. Subrata Chakravarty, Chief Science and Technology Officer of the Hope4Cancer® Institute, wrote about some of the benefits medical tourists can experience by going to Mexico and, specifically, the Hope4Cancer® Institute. First and foremost, it has a number of treatment options not found in the United States (Rigvir Virotherapy). Mexico’s laws allow for the existence of alternative cancer treatment facilities, which gives patients the opportunity to access non-toxic, affordable treatments that are not allowed in the United States.

Additionally, the Hope4Cancer® Institute is located right in Playas de Tijuana. It is a beautiful, safe community right on the beach by the Pacific that provides the perfect environment to relax and heal. It is only a few minutes’ drive from the San Diego/Mexico border, making it easily accessible to medical tourists in North America and across the globe.

Five Ways to Upgrade Your Routine for a Healthier Life

Your health is result of the choices you make every day. If you don’t get enough sleep every night, for example, you may be a little groggy and, lets admit it, hardly any one of us think much about the long-term consequences. However, chronic lack of sleep puts you at risk for a number of chronic conditions, obesity, depression, and more. Doctors and medical researchers are now increasingly prescribing lifestyle-related interventions to help patients prevent health events from happening.

If you were to look at your routine, there are probably a few changes you could make to improve your health. Although they may seem small, over the course of a lifetime, they can be very significant. It takes as little as 21 days to break a bad habit for good, so you may be able to experience the benefits of these changes in less time than you would think.

By adjusting your routine, you may able to stay out of the doctor’s office and experience better health. In addition to that, you’ll feel better physically and emotionally, and you may lose some weight as well. If you can, ask your partner, a family member or a friend to try these upgrades with you to increase your chances of success.

Healthy Upgrades You Can Implement for Better Health

• Fill your plate up with vegetables. Vegetables provide a number of health benefits. Also, when you load your plate with veggies, you have less room for unhealthy items.
• Meditate. All you need is twenty minutes each day to experience more calmness and a better mood.
• Take a break from the desk every hour. Sitting for long periods of time has been linked with a number of chronic conditions.
• Keep in good company. Social gatherings are an important part of longevity.
• Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning for improved sleep habits.

Doctors at the Hope4Cancer® Institute treat the underlying cause of the disease and not just the symptoms. Most doctors do not realize how important it is for cancer patients to not just focus on getting rid of the cancer, but in changing the lifestyle parameters that most likely caused it in the first place. If you are looking to prevent cancer, making healthy lifestyle upgrades can eliminate or reduce the impact of many risk factors. It is now known that only 5% of all cancers are inherited. What that means is that the rest are being caused largely by our habits and environment, and gives us something to work towards. Statistics show that 2 out of 1 men and 3 out of 1 women will end up getting cancer in their lifetime. The good news is that the preventive measures for cancer apply equally to those for many other life-threatening diseases. So is it worth the effort? You decide.

So the next time you realize that you are feeling tired all of the time, take a look at your sleep routine instead of reaching for that cup of coffee. If you are gaining weight and don’t know why, take a look at your diet and activity level to see if improvements can be made. Bad habits are hard to break, but the benefits of making these changes to your routine are well worth it. Try one or all of these changes to avoid the doctor’s office and feel healthier overall.

Five Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor at Your Next Physical

When you go to the doctor’s office, how honest are you about your lifestyle, any symptoms experienced, etc.? Unfortunately, many of us aren’t 100% forthright with our doctor, which is a shame because doctors do rely on the patient to speak about any lifestyle hiccups, pains felt, and other factors to make an accurate diagnosis. Why are many of us so reluctant to speak up when going to the doctor? Here are several often cited reasons:

• Shame for drinking too much, eating the wrong foods, etc.
• Fear of asking for clarification when you don’t understand something
• Feeling rushed or pressed for time
• Feeling lazy or scared about doing the work that you imagine will follow
• Doctor is not responsive or is intimidating

Although these concerns may feel important, they do not fit in the grand scheme of things, and could actually hurt you in the long run. It’s important to be honest with your doctor and speak more. If your doctor is not responsive or you find it difficult to talk to him or her, then it may be time to get a new one.

Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor during a Check-up?

As you speak more with your doctor, you do have the right to ask questions about your health in order to get the correct treatment. Doctors are people too, and most are very pressed for time, experience stress, etc. You are the one who knows your body best, so any questions you ask may help to ensure you get the best care possible. You may ask yourself what questions you should be asking. While there are no bad questions, these five can certainly help you gain a better understanding of your health:

• Which screening tests do I really need?
• What does my family history say about my health now and in the future?
• Is my weight in a healthy range?
• Are my medications still relevant?
• Are there any lumps or discolorations that I should be concerned about?

Doctor-Patient Relationships at the Hope4Cancer® Institute

Patient care is a crucial part of the core mission of the Hope4Cancer® Institute. Patients come to the cancer clinic in Baja California, Mexico with many questions and concerns. They most likely have been to other facilities and tried conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, and they are now looking for new answers on how to best manage the disease. Take, for example, Sissy Alexander, who went through five grueling years of ravaging chemo and radiation to treat three types of cancers until she finally found Hope4Cancer, where she is improving steadily (Read story). The Hope4Cancer® Institute has added many new doctors, nurses, and staff to make the stay as comfortable and effective as possible.

The Hope4Cancer® Institute has implemented many new technologies and alternative treatments that have been thoroughly researched and shown positive results in eliminating cancer cells without harming the body any further. Each patient receives an individual treatment plan that doctors feel would be best depending on the stage and type of cancer. Along the way, doctors and staff are always available to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. When it comes to your health, it’s best to always speak up to ensure you’re getting the best care possible.

What Is RIGVIR® Virotherapy?

RIGVIR® Virotherapy is one of the treatment modalities used by Hope4Cancer Institute to provide its patients with care without having to resort to invasive options like chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Hope4Cancer Institute has signed a cooperative agreement with the International Virotherapy Center to use this exciting new treatment option in its clinic in Mexico.

Image of how RIGVIR virus works

If you are new to virotherapy, it is a non-invasive approach to treating cancer where oncotropic and oncolytic viruses are used. These viruses target the cancer cells in the body specifically and destroy them. Virotherapy has been studied by researchers for more than fifty years, and there have been numerous clinical trials conducted on thousands of participants.

RIGVIR® is a registered Latvian anti-cancer drug from the International Virotherapy Center that has much promise. It is non-replicative, so it does not harm the human body like other toxic cancer treatments. It was also the first. There was a Vice special on HBO several months back that shone some light on how virotherapy could be the future of cancer treatment.

Unfortunately, most pharmaceutical companies are way behind on bringing a drug to market. RIGVIR®is state-sponsored by Latvia and is sold in pharmacies across the country. It has passed all clinical trials and has been shown to be very effective in treating some forms of cancer. The most prominent success has been with melanoma, but there has been some success treating other cancers, including colorectal cancer, lung cancer, sarcoma, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer.

Hope4Cancer Institute is the only cancer clinic in North America to use RIGVIR® virotherapy as part of its cancer treatment program. Those looking for an alternative to conventional cancer treatments should speak with a Hope4Cancer Institute representative to learn more about RIGVIR® virotherapy and other treatment options.